Prix de Rome XIV, Roma 2016
The project is located in the city of Zhuhai Guangdong province. The land is situ-ated in the Southern cost in the Pearl River delta, in front of Macao. Zhuhai was one of the original Special Economy Zone established in 1978, setting the city growth as a powerful modern port city, science and education city, scenic and tourism city, and as a regional hub for transportation. Industrial development in Zhuhai focuses on 5 new high-tech and heavy industries including electronics, computer software, biotechnology and pharmacy, machinery and equipment as well as petrochemical industry. The site area is situated on the Hengqin Island in the new city development south of the old city facing Macao to the east and connected to the existing city through new and old infrastructures. The total land area is 60.499sqm and the planned total GFA is approximately 241,996.12smq. The site is facing the sea to the east and surrounded by hills to the west. The project is composed by four distinguished elements making recognizable the main macro functions: headquarter and tech-nical research office building, high ranked hotel building, large scale conference room, commercial mixed use podium.
The particular location of the area – situated in a notable environmental context of high value in which the “old” merges with “new” and everything is in harmony with a particular scenic nature of the place, dominated by sky and water and lush vegetation – has suggested a design that must totally respect this situation. This approach, while taking into account the special suitability of the area’s spe-cial economy will, in a very short time, develop into a highly qualified architectural type. Therefore the attempt to create for this new Headquarters a non-invasive image that interacts and communicates with the natural elements that surround it, and that in some way acts as a mirror reflecting these images in an unconventional way: reflecting the sky and at the same time reflecting the urban greenery of the park and the blue-green of the sea water, creating the slightly wavy vertical front that reflects this image making it alive with the same movements. The volume effect “changing” consists of four vertical prismatic elements (the four companies of the group) that break down the mass, is strongly marked and uniquely related to Shenhua, with the inclusion of the logo, in the texture of the facade, composed of sub-modules of the company’s logo. The “brand” of burning coal, which strengthens the conceptual reading of the logo becomes a prismatic element (containing the core of the senior management), bridging across each of the four buildings and symbolizing the four elements of the logo. However, for the accommodation portion, which is devoid of any symbolic ele-ments, it has been created a strong and unusual image that meets the criteria for commercial advertising.
The surfaces of macro-perforated material – interpenetrate and “fit” with the win-dows to dynamically pointing to the sky producing two different images deliber-ately, the first corresponding to the commercial criteria and the other symbolic in its nature. The two towers, one Headquarters housing offices and research facilities and the other housing the accommodation component, rest on a volume that connects them visually and functionally, giving unity to the whole, as well as defining the unit of the complex. The conference center is located on top of the podium and is treated in a natural-istic manner. The tower for the Headquarters and the one for accommodation are oriented North/South to properly offer split-levels to permit generous views to the Pearl River, to Macao and its beautiful bay.
Università Sapienza di Roma
Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto
Coordinatore: prof. Franco Purini, arch. Lucio Altarelli, ing. Remo Calzona, ing. Alberto Clementi, arch. Carolina De Camillis, prof. Livio De Santoli, prof. Eugenio La Rocca
prof. Renato Partenope, prof. Marina Righetti
Studio Valle Progettazioni
Coordinatore: arch. Tommaso Valle
arch. Gianni Bulian, dott. Adriano La Regina, arch. Piero Meogrossi,
arch. Paolo Martellotti, arch. Laura Thermes
Arch. Barbara Cerquozzi, Ing. Andrea Cinuzzi, Arch. Martina Cutrera,
Arch. Agostino Del’Uomo, Arch. Marco Garofalo, Arch. Teresa Ianni,
Arch. Zhiquiao Jiang, Ing. Francesco Mancini, Arch. Monica Manicone,
Arch. Lucia Mencaroni, Arch. Laura Musa, Arch. Fabrizio Ronconi,
Gabriele Savi, Giuliano Simonelli, Rocco Smaldone,
Roberto Tardocchi, Arch. Pietro Zampetti